> This documentation is strongly inspired by the official [BMv2 *Simple Switch* documentation](https://github.com/p4lang/behavioral-model/blob/master/docs/simple_switch.md)
## Introduction
The *Simple Switch* target is the de-facto architecture used in P4 development. The *Simple Switch* architecture is an implementation of the *abstract switch model* presented in the [*P4-14* Specification](https://p4.org/p4-spec/p4-14/v1.1.0/tex/p4.pdf) (the first version of the P4 language). The *Simple Switch* target has been implemented using the [*Behavioral Model* (BMv2)](https://github.com/p4lang/behavioral-model) library, which is a framework that allows developers to implement their own software P4 targets.
In the second version of the language (*P4-16*, the one we use in this repository), several backwards-incompatible changes were made to the language and syntax. In particular, a large number of language features were eliminated from the language and moved into libraries including counters, checksum units, meters, etc. And thus, the core of the *P4-16* language has been made very simple and advanced features that are unique to a target architecture are now described in the so called *architecture libraries*. The *v1model* architecture (the one we import at the beginning of every program) is the architecture library for the *Simple Switch* target. It includes the declaration of all the standard metadata and intrinsic metadata fields, extern functions, and switch architecture (or pipeline) package description.
The *P4_16* language also now has a *Portable Switch Architecture* (PSA) defined in [its own specification](https://p4.org/p4-spec/docs/PSA-v1.1.0.pdf). As of September 2018, a partial implementation of the PSA architecture has been done, but it is not yet complete. It will be implemented in a separate executable program named `psa_switch`, different from the `simple_switch` program described here.
In this document we will provide you with important information regarding the `simple_switch` architecture and the *v1model* library.
## Standard metadata
The [`v1model.p4`](https://github.com/p4lang/p4c/blob/main/p4include/v1model.p4) architecture defines a long list of metadata fields. Each field has a different usage, some are writable others are read only and others are both. Some fields are populated by the switch and give you useful information like the `ingress_port`, timestamps, etc. Other fields can be used to tell the switch what to do (i.e `egress_spec`). For a *P4_16* program using the *v1model* architecture and including the file `v1model.p4`, all of the fields below are part of the struct with type `standard_metadata_t`.
Here are the fields:
- `ingress_port (bit<9>)`: for new packets, the number of the ingress port on which the packet arrived to the device. Read only. For resubmited and recirculated packets, the ingress_port is `0`.
- `packet_length (bit<32>)`: for new packets from a port, or recirculated packets, the length of the packet in bytes. For cloned or resubmitted packets, you may need to include this in a list of fields to preserve, otherwise its value will become `0`.
- `egress_spec (bit<9>)` can be assigned a value in ingress code to control which output port a packet will go to. The *P4_14* primitive `drop`, and the *v1model* primitive action `mark_to_drop`, have the side effect of assigning an implementation specific value `DROP_PORT` to this field (`511` decimal for `simple_switch` by default, but can be changed through the `--drop-port` target-specific command-line option), such that if `egress_spec` has that value at the end of ingress processing, the packet will be dropped and not stored in the packet buffer, nor sent to egress processing. If your P4 program assigns a value of `DROP_PORT` to `egress_spec`, it will still behave accordingly, even if you never call `mark_to_drop` (*P4_16*) or `drop` (*P4_14*).
- `egress_port (bit<9>)`: only intended to be accessed during egress processing, read only. The output port this packet is destined to.
- `instance_type (bit<32>)`: contains a value that can be read by your P4 code. In ingress code, the value can be used to distinguish whether the packet is newly arrived from a port (`NORMAL`), it was the result of a resubmit primitive action (`RESUBMIT`), or it was the result of a recirculate primitive action (`RECIRC`). In egress processing, can be used to determine whether the packet was produced as the result of an ingress-to-egress clone primitive action (`INGRESS_CLONE`), egress-to-egress clone primitive action (`EGRESS_CLONE`), multicast replication specified during ingress processing (`REPLICATION`), or none of those, so a normal unicast packet from ingress (`NORMAL`). You can see the values of each instance type below, or copy this definitions at the beginning of your P4 code.
- `parser_status` or `parser_error`: `parser_status` is the name in the *P4_14* language specification. It has been renamed to `parser_error` in *v1model*. The value `0` or `error.NoError` (according to *P4_16* and *v1model*) means no error. Otherwise, the value indicates what error occurred during parsing. Possible values are:
error {
NoError, /// No error.
PacketTooShort, /// Not enough bits in packet for 'extract'.
NoMatch, /// 'select' expression has no matches.
StackOutOfBounds, /// Reference to invalid element of a header stack.
HeaderTooShort, /// Extracting too many bits into a varbit field.
ParserTimeout /// Parser execution time limit exceeded.
### Queueing Metadata
Queueing metadata are populated by the switch when going from the ingress to the egress pipeline. Thus, this metadata fields can only be accessed from the egress pipeline and they are read-only. For a *P4_16* program using the *v1model* architecture and including the file `v1model.p4`, all of the fields below are part of the struct with type `standard_metadata_t`. There is no need to define your own struct type for these fields.
Here are the fields:
- `enq_timestamp (bit<32>)`: a timestamp, in microseconds, set when the packet is first enqueued.
- `enq_qdepth (bit<19>)`: the depth of the queue when the packet was first enqueued.
- `deq_timedelta (bit<32>)`: the time, in microseconds, that the packet spent in the
- `deq_qdepth (bit<19>)`: the depth of queue when the packet was dequeued.
- `qid (bit<5>)`: when there are multiple queues servicing each egress port (e.g. when priority queueing is enabled), each queue is assigned a fixed unique id, which is written to this field. Otherwise, this field is set to 0. TBD: `qid` is not currently part of type `standard_metadata_t` in *v1model*. Perhaps it should be added?
### Intrinsic Metadata
Each architecture usually defines its own intrinsic metadata fields, which are used in addition to the standard metadata fields to offer more advanced features (indeed the intrinsic metadata are are part of the struct with type `standard_metadata_t`). These headers are not strictly required by the architecture as it is possible to write a P4 program and run it through `simple_switch` without them being defined. However, their presence is required to enable some features of `simple_switch`. For most of these fields, there is no strict requirement as to
the bitwidth, but we recommend that you follow our suggestions below. Some of these intrinsic metadata fields can be accessed (read and / or write) directly, others should only be accessed through primitive actions.
- `ingress_global_timestamp (bit<48>)`: a timestamp, in microseconds, set when the packet shows up on ingress. The clock is set to 0 every time the switch starts. This field can be read directly from either pipeline (ingress and egress) but should not be written to.
- `egress_global_timestamp (bit<48>)`: a timestamp, in microseconds, set when the packet starts egress processing. The clock is the same as for `ingress_global_timestamp`. This field should only be read from the egress pipeline, but should not be written to.
- `mcast_grp (bit<16>)`: needed for the multicast feature. This field needs to be written in the ingress pipeline when you wish the packet to be multicast. A value of 0 means no multicast. This value must be one of a valid multicast group configured through BMv2 runtime interfaces.
- `egress_rid (bit<16>)`: needed for the multicast feature. This field is only valid in the egress pipeline and can only be read from. It is used to uniquely identify multicast copies of the same ingress packet.
- `checksum_error (bit<1>)`: Read only. 1 if a call to the `verify_checksum` primitive action finds a checksum error, otherwise 0. Calls to `verify_checksum` should be in the `VerifyChecksum` control in *v1model*, which is executed after the parser and before ingress.
- `priority (bit<3>)`: packet priority in priority queueing. The possible priorities are between 0 (lowest priority) and 7 (highest priority).
## Externs
There are extern types, functions and objects. They are all defined in the architecture file description [`v1model.p4`](https://github.com/p4lang/p4c/blob/master/p4include/v1model.p4).
- `counter(bit<32> size, CounterType type)`: it allows you to declare an array of indirect counters, that can be increased one by one.
- `void count(in bit<32> index)`: function that increases the counter at `index` by `1`, and/or by the number of bytes in the packet.
- `direct_counter(CounterType type)`: it allows you to declare a direct counter, that later can be referenced with a table. Each time there is a match in the table the counter at the position of the handle entry for that match gets increased by `1`, or by the number of bytes the packet contains.
- `void count()`: called automatically during the match-action of a given referenced table.
- `meter(bit<32> size, MeterType type)`: it allows you to declare an array of indirect meters. Meters can either track packet or byte frequency.
- `void execute_meter<T>(in bit<32> index, out T result)`: executes the meter at a given `index` and returns the status of the meter using a color.
- `direct_meter(MeterType Type)`: it allows you to declare a direct meter, that later can be references with a table, similarly to counters. Each time that there is a match in the table the meter at the position of the handle entry for that match gets increased by `1`, or by the number of bytes the packet contains.
- `void read(out T result)`: returns the color for the last executed entry.
- `register(bit<32> size)`: it allows you to declare an array or register of size `size` and cell width of `T` (e.g `bit<8>`).
- `void read(out T result, in bit<32> index)`: function to read the content of cell at `index`. Stores the output at the variable result (which must have width `T`).
- `void write(in bit<32> index, in T value)`: function that write `value` (also with width `T`) at the cell `index`.
- `void random<T>(out T result, in T lo, in T hi)`: generate a random value between `lo` and `hi` and stores it in `result`. The three variables must have the same type (width).
- `void digest<T>(in bit<32> receiver, in T data)`: function that allows you to digest small pieces of information and send them to the controller. The channel used to send the digested message depends on the switch architecture. In the *Simple Switch*, digest is implemented using the socket library `nanomsg`. When using with the `simple_switch` you can set the receiver field to `1` always. Data needs to be a `struct` that contains all the variables, headers, or metadata you want to digest to the controller.
- `void mark_to_drop(inout standard_metadata_t standard_metadata)`: simply sets the `standard_metadata.egress_spec` to a value that indicates the Traffic manager or end of egress to drop the packet. Note that, this function will no act as a `return`, meaning that if the program changes the `egress_spec` before leaving the `ingress` or `egress` pipeline the packet will not be dropped.
- `void hash<O, T, D, M>(out O result, in HashAlgorithm algo, in T base, in D data, in M max)`: exectures the hash algorithm `algo` over `data` and stores the output in `result`. The output value will range between `base` and `max`. You can see the different available algorithms at the `v1model.p4` architecture [description](https://github.com/p4lang/p4c/blob/master/p4include/v1model.p4).
- `void verify_checksum<T, O>(in bool condition, in T data, in O checksum, HashAlgorithm algo)`: function to verify the integrity of the received data. If `condition` is true it computes the hash algorithm `algo` over the struct `data` and compares the value with `checksum`. It then stores the output in `standard_metadata.checksum_error` (0 for valid, 1 for invalid).
- `void update_checksum<T, O>(in bool condition, in T data, inout O checksum, HashAlgorithm algo)`: function that allows you to update checksum fields after modifying some of the fields involved during the calculation. If `condition` is true, the `data` struct
is hashed using the `algo` algorithm and stored in the `checksum` field of your choice. For example the `ipv4.checksum` field.
- `void verify_checksum_with_payload<T, O>(in bool condition, in T data, in O checksum, HashAlgorithm algo)`: same than `verify_checksum` but includes the packet payload after `data`.
- `void update_checksum_with_payload<T, O>(in bool condition, in T data, inout O checksum, HashAlgorithm algo)`: same than `update_checksum` but includes the packet payload after `data`.
- `void resubmit<T>(in T data)`: resubmits the original packet to the parser. It can be applied only at the ingress. At the end of the ingress the `original` packet (modifications will not be present) will be submitted again to the parser, however all the fields added in the `data` parameter will keep the value they had at the end of ingress from the `original` packet. If multiple resubmit actions get executed on one packet, only the field list from the last resubmit action is used, and only one packet is resubmitted.
- `void recirculate<T>(in T data)`: recirculates the modified packet to the ingress. It can be applied only at the egress. This function marks the packet to be recirculated after egress deparsing, meaning that all the changes made to the packet will be kept in the recirculated one. Similarly to resubmit, some metadata fields can be kept using the `data` parameter.
- `void clone(in CloneType type, in bit<32> session)`: this functions allows you to create packet clones. For more information see its specific section [below](#cloning-packets).
- `void clone3<T>(in CloneType type, in bit<32> session, in T data)`: same than `clone` but allows you to copy some metadata fields to the cloned packet.
- `void truncate(in bit<32> length)`: function that allows you to truncate packets at the egress. The packet will only keep the amount of bytes you specify in the `length` parameter. It can be executed at the ingress or egress, however it will only have effect during deparsing.
## Advanced Features Examples
In this section we explain how to use some of the most advanced features the *Simple Switch* provides. Most of them involve P4 code and control plane programming.
### Creating Multicast Groups
In order to use the packet replication engine of the *Simple Switch* several things need to be done both in the P4 program and using the runtime interface or CLI.
First of all you need to create multicast groups, multicast nodes and associate them to ports and groups. That can be done using the `simple_switch_CLI` or the `SimpleSwitchThriftAPI` provided by *P4-Utils*:
1. Create a multicast group:
mc_mgrp_create <id>
2. Create a multicast node with a *replication id* (`rid`):
mc_node_create <rid> <port_number>
This function returns a `handle_id` which is some kind of identifier that needs to be used when associating the node with the multicast group. By default the returned `handle_id` will be 0 for the first node we create, 1 for the next, and so on. Thus, we just have to remember in which order we added them. Note that the `rid` and the `handle_id` are not the same. The `rid` can be set to the same for each node you create, and it is simply and identifier that will be attached to every packet that gets multicasted using this `mc_node`. That value can be found at the egress by reading `standard_metadata.egress_rid`.
3. Assign node with multicast group:
mc_node_associate <mcast_grp_id> <node_handle_id>
In the following example we will associate port `1`,`2` and `3` to the same multicast group using the `CLI` (translation to `SimpleSwitchThriftAPI` is one to one):
mc_mgrp_create 1
mc_node_create 0 1
mc_node_create 0 2
mc_node_create 0 3
mc_node_associate 1 0
mc_node_associate 1 1
mc_node_associate 1 2
Alternatively, you can create nodes with multiple ports as follows:
mc_mgrp_create 1
mc_node_create 0 1 2 3
mc_node_associate 1 0
Finally, once you have programmed the replication engine and added multicast groups you can use them in your P4 program. For that you need to write the value of the multicast group id you want to use for multicasting in the `standard_metadata.mcast_grp` during the ingress pipeline. Following our example, to send a packet to ports 1, 2 and 3 we would `standard_metadata.mcast_grp = 1`.
### Cloning Packets
Cloning/mirroring packets is a very common switch feature. Cloning is used in order to create packet replicas and send them somewhere else. This can be used for monitoring, to send data to a control plane, etc.
The *Simple Switch* provides two `extern` functions that can be used to clone packets:
* `clone(in CloneType type, in bit<32> session)`
* `clone3<T>(in CloneType type, in bit<32> session, in T data)`
1. The first parameter in both externs is the type, *Simple Switch* allows two types `CloneType.I2E`, and `CloneType.E2E`. The first type can be used to send a copy of the original packet to the egress pipeline, the later sends a copy of the egress packet to the buffer mechanism.
2. The second parameter is the `*mirror id* or *session id*. The mirroring ID is used by the switch to know to which port the packet should be cloned to. This mapping needs to be configured using the control plane API or CLI by doing the following:
mirroring_add <session> <output_port>
3. When using `clone3` you can add as a third parameter a metadata `struct`. When a packet is cloned all its metadata fields are reset to the default value (usually `0`). When using `clone3` you can tell the switch to copy some metadata values so the cloned packet will be able to access them.
For example, lets say we want to send a copy of every packet to a controller that is listening at port number `7`, to do what we would:
1. Add mirroring session using the CLI or API:
mirroring_add 100 7
2. Use clone extern in the p4 code (during the ingress pipeline):
clone(CloneType.I2E, 100)
3. The packet will be cloned to the egress pipeline. To differentiate between a normal packet and a cloned one you need to use the `standard_metadata.instance_type` field (see above in the documentation). For packets cloned from the ingress pipeline, the `instance_type == 1`.
### Packet Digests
The *Simple Switch* target provides a way to send some small information (digests) to a controller by using the `digest` extern. Digest packets are sent in addition to the original packet, and thus there is no need to clone anything. So, for example, in the typical L2 learning case you would still want to forward a packet that missed the Source MAC lookup, while at the same time send a notification to the control plane. *Simple Switch* digests are implemented using the socket library [Nanomsg](https://nanomsg.org/). The `digest` extern must be called from the ingress pipeline. An example follows.
Lets say we have this metadata struct defined in our p4 code:
struct digest_data_t {
bit<8> a;
bit<8> b;
struct metadata {
/* empty */
digest_data_t digest_data;
Then we can call digest in the ingress pipeline:
digest(1, meta.digest_data); //assume that metadata is called meta in the ingress parameters
> Note that the first parameter of digest is always 1.
Receiving digested packets is not trivial, since the switch adds some control header that needs to be parsed, furthermore, for each digested packet, the switch expects an acknowledgement message (used to filter duplicates).
## Using Strict Priority Queues
*Simple Switch* allows the use of multiple queues per output port. However, in order to use them you will need to do some small modifications.
1. Uncomment `#define SSWITCH_PRIORITY_QUEUEING_ON` in the `bmv2/targets/simple_switch/simple_switch.h` file.
2. Add this two metadata fields to the `v1model.p4` file:
//Priority queueing
@alias("queueing_metadata.qid") bit<5> qid;
@alias("intrinsic_metadata.priority") bit<3> priority;
You can get the `v1model.p4` file from the [p4c repository](https://github.com/p4lang/p4c/blob/main/p4include/v1model.p4) or in `p4c/p4include/v1model.p4`.
3. Copy the modified `v1model.p4` file to `/usr/local/share/p4c/p4include/`:
cp v1model.p4 /usr/local/share/p4c/p4include/
4. Recompile the BMv2, so that multiple queues are added.
By default you will have 8 strict priority queues, being 0 the highest priority and 7 the lowest. Packets in a higher priority queue will always be transmitted before than packets in a lower priority queue. To select the queue you want to use for your packets you need to set the `standard_metadata.priority` field to `0-7`. If needed you can individually configure the rate and the length of each queue. In order to do that you will have to modify the `simple_switch` code. If you want to do this ask and we can show you how to do it.
## Ingress and Egress Pipelines
We have seen that packets can be processed in a wide range of manners. Depending if we want to unicast, multicast, clone, digest, resubmit or recirculate a packet can be processed differently. Also you might ask yourself what happens if we try to unicast and multicast at the same time, or resubmit and recirculate. In this section we explain how does *Simple Switch* handles those cases at the ingress and egress pipelines.
In order to understand how things are executed you have to check the [`simple_switch` implementation](https://github.com/p4lang/behavioral-model/blob/master/targets/simple_switch/simple_switch.cpp).
### Ingress Pipeline
In this section we will show what happens to packets after all the logic from the ingress control has been executed.
1. If `clone` or `clone3` were called, the packet will be cloned to the `egress_port` you specified using the mirroring
id (for more information see the [cloning section](#cloning-packets)). This copies the ingress packet to egress pipeline without
all the ingress control modifications. If `clone3` action is used, the packet will also preserve the metadata fields specified. Finally, it
will get the `standard_metadata.instance_type` modified to the corresponding value.
2. If there was a call to `digest` the switch will send a control plane message with the specified fields to the controller.
3. The first two conditions can be executed in parallel. Now we will show some actions that are mutually exclusive, thus if one occurs
the other can not happen. Furthermore, the order in which we show them here matter. Only the first true condition is executed by the switch.
1. Resubmit: If resubmit was called the packet will be send to the ingress control again with the original packet values and metadata fields. You can preserve some fields by passing them to the resubmit action.
2. Multicast: If the `standard_metadata.mcast_grp` field was set during the ingress, the packet is copied n times depending on how you configured the switch using the control plan API (see more in the [multicast section above](#creating-multicast-groups)).
3. Drop: If the `egress_port==511 or 0` the packet gets dropped. You can do that by calling the `mark_to_drop` action or by directly assigning those values to the `egress_port` field.
4. Unicast: If non of the above is true, the packet is queued at the `egress_spec` port queues.
### Egress Pipeline
In this section we will show what happens to packets after all the logic from the egress control has been executed.
1. If `clone` or `clone3` were called in the egress pipeline, the packet will be cloned to the `egress_port` you specified using the mirroring id (for more information see the [cloning section](#cloning-packets)). This will send a copy of the egress packet to the egress control block, with the egress metadata unless specified with `clone3`.
2. Now we will show some actions that are mutually exclusive, thus if one occurs the other can not happen. Furthermore, the order in which we show them here matter. Only the first true condition is executed by the switch.
1. Drop: if you call `mark_to_drop` during the egress pipeline the packet will be directly dropped at the end of the pipeline.
2. Recirculate: if you called the `recirculate` action the packet will be sent to the ingress pipeline again, with the packet as constructed by the
deparser (you can add or remove headers). The packet will preserve the fields specified.
3. Send Packet Out: the packet goes out to the interface. |